In addition, the following conditions of the edudip GmbH apply:
edudip takes the careful handling of your information very seriously. Therefor, your data is stored considering the determinations of the Telemedia Law and the Federal Data Protection Act and is treated confidentially, of course.
With this declaration you agree that the edudip GmbH (edudip) may collect, store and use your personal data to the following extent and for the following purposes. You can revoke this declaration at any time with a prospective effect.
The use of the website "" requires a registration as a member. For the registration as a member, a specification of your name, a valid email address and a desired password is required. Further data are not needed. All the websites of the platform on which you enter data, are secured by a 256-Bit TLS encryption. Our servers are located in a data centre, that is certified according to ISO 27001, ISAE 3402 (successor of SAS 70) and KPMG IDW PS 951 Type B.
All the data you provide will be used for handling the contracts for the use of the website "" as well as to enable you to use the possibilities of "" and for the settlement. The password you entered is stored encrypted by edudip.
After the consent of the user the edudip GmbH provides a set of data for all its operating platforms. It is sufficient to make changes to the data on one platform. These changes are then applied to all platforms.
These data are as follows: e-mail, password, salutatory address, title, first name, last name, company, street, city, zip code, phone, mobile phone, fax, website, time zone, blocked users, payment data
The payment data are only available for the edudip GmbH, a platform owner has at no time access to this data.
This website uses the remarketing feature of Google Inc. ( "Google"). This function is used to present visitors of the website, as part of the Google advertising network, content-related advertising material. The website visitor's browser stores so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and that allow to recognize visitors when they visit sites that are part of Google's advertising network. On these pages, advertising material that relates to content that the visitor has previously accessed on websites using the remarketing feature of Google, can then be presented to the visitor. Google does not collect any personal information in this process. If you still do not wish to use the Google remarketing feature, you can always disable it by changing the settings here:
Alternatively, you can disable the use of cookies for interest-related advertising through the Advertising Network Initiative by following the instructions in the
For more information about Google's remarketing and Google data protection, please visit:
Facebook Remarketing / Retargeting
On our pages remarketing tags of the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, are integrated. When you visit our pages, the remarketing tags will create a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server. This gives Facebook the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. This allows Facebook to associate the visit of our pages with your user account. We can use those information to display Facebook ads. We would like to point out that as a provider of the pages we do not receive any knowledge of the content of the transmitted data as well as their use by Facebook. For more information, see the Facebook privacy policy at If you do not want your data to be collected via Custom Audiences, you can disable Custom Audiences here disable.
Konversionsmessung mit dem Besucheraktions-Pixel von Facebook
Mit Ihrer Einwilligung setzen wir innerhalb unseres Internetauftritts den “Besucheraktions-Pixel” der Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”) ein. Mit dessen Hilfe können wir die Aktionen von Nutzern nachverfolgen, nach dem diese eine Facebook-Werbeanzeige gesehen oder geklickt haben. So können wir die Wirksamkeit der Facebook-Werbeanzeigen für statistische und marktforschungszwecke erfassen. Die so erfassten Daten sind für uns anonym, das heißt wir sehen nicht die personenbezogenen Daten einzelner Nutzer. Diese Daten werden jedoch von Facebook gespeichert und verarbeitet, worüber wir Sie entsprechend unserem Kenntnisstand unterrichten. Facebook kann diese Daten mit ihrem Facebookkonto verbinden und auch für eigene Werbezwecke, entsprechend Facebooks Datensverwendungsrichtlinie verwenden Sie können Facebook sowie dessen Partnern das Schalten von Werbeanzeigen auf und außerhalb von Facebook ermöglichen. Es kann ferner zu diesen Zwecken ein Cookie auf Ihrem Rechner gespeichert werden.
Diese Einwilligung darf nur von Nutzern, die älter als 13 Jahre alt sind erklärt werden. Falls Sie jünger sind, bitten wir, Ihre Erziehungsberechtigten um Rat zu fragen.
Bitte klicken Sie hier, wenn Sie Ihre Einwilligung widerrufen möchten.
Source of the Google Analytics reference:
Quelle des Cookie- und Facebook-Hinweises: